About the Game
AdoraBullet is a 2D, Game Boy-inspired bullet hell where players play Rae Stellaris in an epic quest through the cosmos to destroy Emperor Quack.
AdoraBullet was developed in a team of six for GBJam 11 in ten days, where I worked on enemy design, narrative design, as well as sound design.
The game ended up ranking in the top 13% of all participants, with my music receiving praise from players.
Enemy Design
For the enemies in AdoraBullet, I focused on creating three "grunt" that had different attack patterns to challenge players.
In addition to this, I also concepted a boss and how their different phases would play out.
Concept artist vision of my enemy designs
Concept artist vision of my enemy designs
Visual of the cat grunt in the game
Visual of the cat grunt in the game
Narrative Design
I collaborated with the team's lead narrative designer, Floor Kieviet, and created the foundation of the game's story.
I created character profiles of the main protagonist and antagonist to explicitly state the main objective of the game.
Art of the main protagonist, Rae Stellaris
Art of the main protagonist, Rae Stellaris
Sound Design
To further enhance the feeling of playing a Game Boy-era game, I used sounds commonly found in Game Boy games. As a result, triangle, square, and noise waves were used for the sound design.
You can hear the sound effects in the game, meanwhile you can listen to the game's main theme, "Kill 'Em With Kindness!", here!
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